
A single license. Individuals or small businesses exploring GenAI for the first time.

£30 /month
On-Demand Courses

Access JumboLabs’ library of training materials covering the basics of generative AI.

Certificate of Completion

Formal recognition for completing courses.

AI Insights Newsletter

Quarterly updates on generative AI developments and practical tips.

Most popular

A single license. Teams and small organizations looking to foster collaboration and practical GenAI adoption

£45 /month
Access to JumboLab courses

Everything in the Value package

Slack Room

A space where your employees ask questions, share best uses cases and take part in challenges


Users can award amazon vouchers to each other for best use case of GenAI

Soft Skills development

Weekly bite sized courses on skills such as time management, leadership and communication

Sold out

A single license. Designed for large organizations, wanted to complete redesign their workflows. 

£150 /month
Everything in the Growth Package
Weekly Tutorial

Workshops for intensive hands-on training and discussion

L&D Manager

A point of contact for personalized support, onboarding, and troubleshooting specific to the organization’s needs.

Generative AI Knowledge Repository

A private, company-specific database where employees can save, refine, and search previously generated AI outputs

For consultation & enrolment call today
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